Amber and Tony are high school sweethearts who met back in 2006 in Kentucky and continued to date throughout college. On a visit back home to see family Tony popped the question and Amber gladly said yes. With a wedding in New York and a marriage that brought them to Virginia, they have had a very adventurous first year of marriage. I loved how easily they laughed and giggled their way through the session with random Disney quotes.
They even included their sweet fur baby in the pictures for a special announcement that they can’t wait to share with friends this week. What do you suppose it could be?

Isn’t she just precious and she is a total daddies girl. She followed Tony around and was thrilled to do some posing for me to make the big announcement.

Welcome Mikey. The newest member of the McDonald Family and just as darling as his big sister. If you want to hear more about Amber and Tony’s Anniversary session or their top three tips for wedded success, head on over to last weeks post here.